Notion vs Monday: What’s Best for Your Team?

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In the last few years, more and more software solutions have emerged to help teams manage their day-to-day projects and tasks. Powered in part by a huge increase in remote workforces, there is now an abundance of “productivity tools” to choose from that can make life so much easier and more streamlined for you and your team. Today, we’ll discuss two of the most popular solutions out there: Notion vs Monday. 

We’ll explore: 

  1. Notion vs Monday 101
  2. Pricing
  3. Key features
  4. User experience, interface, and integrations
  5. Drawbacks and considerations 
  6. How Slam Media Lab uses Notion

We love both these tools, but Notion has become invaluable to our team at Slam Media Lab. As a rapidly scaling digital marketing agency with a focus on Webflow design and development, Notion is a huge productivity booster and helps us keep everything in check. Later in this article, we’ll share how our team uses Notion and provide you with some resources, templates, and tools you can use to get started! 

Notion vs Monday 101

Notion has a flexible, all-in-one approach, allowing users to create custom workflows that integrate note-taking, database management, and task tracking. Its versatility makes it a favorite among freelancers, students, and teams who value the ability to tailor their workspace to their specific needs. 

On the other hand, Monday stands out with its intuitive, visually-driven interface that simplifies project management and team collaboration. With robust automation and integration capabilities, Monday is geared towards businesses and teams that require a more structured solution to manage their projects and tasks.

Both have their similarities, differences, drawbacks, and areas where they shine. We’ll explore each in detail, helping you decide whether Notion vs is right for you and your team. 

What Is Notion?

An image of a product roadmap you can develop on Notion.
Image Source: 

Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that has rapidly gained popularity among individuals and teams looking for a versatile and customizable workspace. Notion offers a comprehensive solution to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. Its modular approach allows users to build their own systems and structures (though it can take a while to get everything set up exactly how you want it), making it adaptable to a wide range of needs and preferences.

Notion Use Cases

For individuals, such as freelance content creators or students, Notion can be a valuable organizational tool. It can be used for: 

You can also use it to create to-do lists and set reminders to keep track of personal tasks, goals, and due dates for assignments or content delivery for clients. 

Teams and organizations can use Notion to: 

  • Plan and manage projects with task lists, timelines, and Gantt charts 
  • Facilitate communication and collaboration with shared workspaces and real-time editing 
  • Create company wikis, knowledge bases, and SOPs. 

Notion Pricing

Notion has four main pricing options: 

  1. Free (no cost)
  2. Plus ($8 per user per month if billed annually, or $10 if billed monthly)
  3. Business ($15 per user per month if billed annually, or $18 if billed monthly)
  4. Enterprise (price varies—contact Notion to learn more) 

The free plan is designed for individuals, though 10 guests can be invited to collaborate. The Plus plan is the most popular, and has the functionality that most teams need. Upgrading to Business unlocks private team spaces and a few other features you can see here. An Enterprise plan gives you access to a customer success manager (CSM), additional security and compliance integrations, and more. 

Notion also has a new AI feature that can be used for brainstorming, drafting content, pulling insights from multiple sources, and answering questions. This can be added to any of the above plans for an additional $8 per user per month if billed annually, or $10 per user per month if billed monthly. 

Top Features of Notion 

Notion’s top features include: 

  • Customizable workspaces where users can create and organize pages, subpages, and databases tailored to their specific needs
  • Databases with multiple views (Table, Board, List, Calendar, Gallery) to visualize data in different formats
  • Relational databases to link different sets of data, and powerful filtering, sorting, and searching capabilities
  • Extensive library of pre-built templates for various use cases, such as project management, personal planning, and more
  • Real-time editing and comments for team collaboration, and @mentions to notify team members and bring their attention to specific tasks or notes
  • Integrations with many other agency tools and cross-platform availability and syncing 

Notion's comprehensive feature set and adaptability make it a powerful tool for organizing personal, academic, and professional tasks. Whether you're a freelancer, student, or part of a large team, Notion provides some helpful tools for optimizing your workflow and boosting productivity.

What Is Monday?

Image of dashboard on
Image Source:, often referred to simply as Monday, is a cloud-based Work Operating System (Work OS) designed to help teams plan, organize, and track their work in a collaborative and visual environment. Known for its user-friendly interface and highly customizable workflows, Monday enables teams to streamline their project management processes, automate routine tasks, and improve overall productivity. Its versatility makes it suitable for various industries and team sizes, offering robust features that cater to diverse organizational needs.

Monday Use Cases

Monday has lots of different uses, but it really shines when it comes to project management. It can be used to create, assign, and monitor tasks to ensure projects stay on track, and includes timelines and Gantt charts to visualize project schedules and dependencies to manage deadlines effectively. 

Monday is also used among sales and marketing teams, from non-profit content marketing to SAAS sales teams. Sales professionals can use Monday to track and manage leads from initial contact to closing, visualize the sales process and monitor the progress of deals, and keep track of client interactions and follow-ups. 

For marketers, Monday can be used to plan, execute, and track marketing campaigns across multiple channels. It’s also a valuable content creator tool—you can schedule and manage content production and publication timelines, and measure and analyze the success of different marketing ideas

Monday Pricing

Monday offers five different pricing plans: 

  1. Free (no cost)
  2. Basic ($9 per user per month)
  3. Standard ($12 per user per month)
  4. Pro ($19 per user per month)
  5. Enterprise (price varies—contact Monday to learn more)

The free plan is available for up to two users, and contains unlimited documents and more than 200 templates. Basic is ideal for small teams and includes unlimited items and free viewers. Standard includes access to timelines, calendar views, and Gantt charts, while Pro offers private boards, time tracking, and more. An Enterprise plan includes enterprise-scale automations & integrations, advanced reporting and analytics, and personalized onboarding. 

Top Features of Monday

Monday's comprehensive feature set is designed to enhance team collaboration and productivity: 

  • Build and customize workflows to suit specific project requirements
  • Use templates or create custom boards from scratch to manage tasks and projects
  • Use multiple view options to visualize work, including Kanban, Gantt, Calendar, and Timeline 
  • Create custom automations to eliminate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency
  • Built-in time tracking to monitor the amount of time spent on tasks and projects
  • Customizable dashboards to track key metrics and project performance

Monday’s robust feature set and intuitive interface make it a powerful tool for managing a wide range of business processes. Whether you are creating a website launch checklist, organizing a sales pipeline, running a nonprofit Instagram, or coordinating a marketing campaign, Monday provides the tools needed to enhance productivity and collaboration.

Notion vs Monday: Comparing Top Features 

An image of our Notion Vision Board, which you can use for PM and operational setup of your business.

Choosing the right productivity tool can make a significant difference in managing projects, tasks, and team collaboration. Both Notion and Monday offer robust features tailored to enhance productivity, but they each excel in different areas. Let’s take a look at vs Notion across the most important categories. 

Project Management 

Notion allows users to manage projects using a flexible, modular approach. You can create databases, pages, and subpages to structure your project information as you see fit. Notion provides multiple views like tables, boards (similar to Kanban), Gantt charts, calendars, and lists. 

This flexibility allows you to visualize your projects in a manner that best suits your workflow, but it does mean you have to spend some time setting things up and finding the right layout for you and your team.

On the other hand, Monday focuses on providing structured project management tools that are highly visual and easy to navigate. Monday excels with its timeline and Gantt chart views, allowing users to easily manage and visualize project schedules and dependencies. 

Task Management 

Notion’s task management capabilities are built on its flexible database structure. Users can create task lists, set priorities, and add due dates within any page or database. Tasks can be seamlessly integrated into notes and documents, providing context and keeping everything in one place. Notion does offer basic reminder features, but they are less advanced than those in dedicated task management tools.

Monday provides robust task management features where tasks can be easily created, assigned, and tracked. Each task can have multiple attributes, including status, priority, deadlines, and assignees. Monday also allows users to set up automations for repetitive tasks, such as moving tasks between stages, sending reminders, and updating statuses based on triggers. 

Collaboration and Communication 

Notion supports real-time collaboration, allowing multiple users to edit documents and databases simultaneously. Users can comment on any block of content and mention team members to draw their attention to specific items. Notion also provides shared workspaces where teams can collaborate on documents, projects, and databases. 

Like Notion, Monday supports real-time collaboration. Monday offers built-in communication features such as updates, comments, and mentions, integrated directly into the task management system. The centralized communication within tasks ensures that all relevant information and discussions are easily accessible.

Customization and Flexibility 

One of the main reasons for Notion’s popularity is its flexibility. Users can create custom pages, databases, and templates to fit their specific needs. Everything in Notion is based on blocks (text, images, databases, etc.), which can be customized and rearranged to create unique workflows and layouts. Users can integrate notes, tasks, databases, and more within the same page, creating comprehensive, cohesive, and fully customized documents.

Monday offers customizable workflows where users can tailor boards and tasks to their specific processes. Custom fields, statuses, and automation rules add to its flexibility. While less flexible in layout than Notion, Monday’s strength lies in its ability to automate and structure workflows efficiently. Different views and the ability to customize board columns and attributes provide a high degree of customization for task and project management.


Notion offers a wide range of templates for various use cases, including personal planning, project management, note-taking, and more. These templates can be customized to fit specific needs, and users can create their own templates and share them with the community. Templates in Notion can integrate different elements like databases, tasks, and notes, providing a comprehensive starting point for various workflows.

Monday provides numerous pre-built templates designed for specific industries and workflows, such as marketing campaigns, sales pipelines, content calendars (although we love this Airtable content calendar more), and project management. 

While templates are more structured, they can be customized to a significant extent to match the specific needs of a team or project. Monday’s templates are designed to be easy to implement, allowing teams to quickly set up and start using the platform without extensive customization.

Notion vs Monday: User Experience and Interface

An image of our Notion Agency Meeting Template, which you can use to have all of your meetings logged and stay on track during important calls.

When it comes to choosing software, it’s essential to find a solution that offers a smooth user experience and an interface that’s easy to navigate. Let’s take a look at how Monday vs Notion compare in terms of user experience, by assessing:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Design and aesthetics 
  3. Mobile and desktop apps
  4. Integrations 

Ease of Use

Because Notion is so flexible and customizable, it can come with a learning curve for new users. The sheer number of features and customization options can be overwhelming initially, but it provides extensive tutorials and community resources to help users get started. 

Once users become familiar with Notion, navigating through its interface becomes intuitive. The drag-and-drop functionality, coupled with a clean and minimalistic design, makes it easy to organize and manage content.

Monday is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, even for those with little to no experience in project management tools. Its structured layout and guided onboarding process help new users quickly understand how to navigate the platform.

The platform offers a straightforward interface with clearly defined sections and easy-to-use features. Tasks, boards, and projects are easily accessible, reducing the time needed to set up and manage workflows. Whether for a sales team to track prospects or a marketing team to measure the results of a small business TikTok campaign, Monday lays things out neatly and efficiently. 

Design and Aesthetics 

Notion’s design is sleek, clean, and minimalistic. It employs a neutral color scheme and a simple, elegant interface that reduces visual clutter and enhances focus. Users can create and rearrange content blocks (text, images, databases, etc.) to design pages that suit their preferences.

Monday features a vibrant and colorful interface that emphasizes visual clarity and engagement. The use of color coding for tasks and statuses enhances visual differentiation and quick identification of project elements. While the colorful nature of the platform might feel like too much visual clutter for some users, the layout is intuitive and well-structured, with a focus on visual project management. Boards, timelines, and charts are designed to present information clearly and effectively. 

Mobile and Desktop Apps 

Notion offers apps for web, desktop (Windows and macOS), and mobile (iOS and Android), ensuring users can access their workspace from any device. The mobile and desktop apps provide a consistent user experience with the web version. All features are accessible across platforms, including real-time collaboration, editing, and task management.

Monday also offers comprehensive app support across web, desktop (Windows and macOS), and mobile (iOS and Android) platforms, ensuring seamless access to project management tools. The mobile and desktop apps mirror the functionality of the web version, with all key features available for use on the go. 


Notion supports a wide range of integrations through both built-in connections and third-party services like Zapier and These integrations enable users to connect Notion with various tools, such as Google Drive, Slack, Trello, and more. You can find the full list here

Monday also offers a comprehensive set of native integrations with popular tools like Zapier, Microsoft Teams, Outlook, LinkedIn, technical SEO audit tools like Semrush, and more. 

Monday vs Notion: Drawbacks and Considerations

Notion’s main drawback is the learning curve—its flexibility and extensive feature set can be overwhelming for new users. The platform requires a significant time investment to master its capabilities and fully customize workflows. If you are looking for a tool that functions only as a PM tool, then Notion may feel too broad in use case for your purposes. 

While Monday offers robust workflow customization, its layout and design options are more rigid compared to Notion. If you need highly customizable pages and layouts, you might find Monday’s structure restrictive. While it’s great for project management, Monday lacks some useful team management features, like building a wiki or creating documents. 

How Slam Media Lab Uses Notion 

Here at Slam Media Lab, we practically live inside Notion! We’ve used it to build a comprehensive company wiki, create detailed meeting notes templates for calls with clients, and build assignment trackers to enhance visibility and oversight. 

It took time to customize Notion to work exactly how we needed it to, but now that we have templates for each of these processes, it’s a breeze! To save you hours of precious time, we’re sharing our favorite templates with you. Check out these incredible resources: 

You can save hundreds of hours and streamline your day-to-day operations with pre-built, all-inclusive Notion templates from our team at Slam Media Lab!

Notion vs Monday: What’s Right For Me?

Choosing between Notion vs ultimately comes down to your specific needs, preferences, and workflow requirements. Both tools offer powerful features that can significantly enhance productivity and collaboration, but they cater to different use cases and user priorities.

Notion is ideal if you’re looking for a flexible, highly customizable solution for your company, while Monday excels as an out-of-the-box project management tool. Both Notion and Monday have the potential to transform how you manage tasks and projects—it’s just a matter of finding the best fit for your company. 

We’ve linked to our Notion resources above, but if you’d like to be the first to hear about new tools and tips for managing your workflow and tasks, sign up for our newsletter here!

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Meet your newest do-it-all template for running your most efficient team meetings: the Slam Notion Sprint Template. Organize everything in one place—Team Updates, Projects, HPFOs, Brainstorming, Feedback, and more—and make your weekly sprint prep effortless.
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