Sun Paik

Sun Paik

Marketing Producer


Slam Media Lab

Boston, MA 🇺🇸


World-building through language
Intersectional design thinking
Empathy-based storytelling

Sun Paik (she/her) is a writer, editor, and designer who loves storytelling through delightful digital experiences.

Her writing has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Peseroff Prize, and has won the Levinthal Scholarship, Kaplan Grant, Chappell-Lougee Scholarship, and others. Her work can be found in Hobart, Asian American Writers Workshop, Tinderbox, Breakwater, and others.

At HarperCollins, a “Big Five” book publisher, she worked on over 50 books, 12+ of which became New York Times bestsellers. Her work as a ghostwriter has appeared on Oprah, The Bookseller, and others.

As a designer, Sun has worked with startups from early-stage to Series A, merging writing and visual design for holistic product development.

You can currently find her in the East Coast slowly working through to TBR pile or cooking up a storm.

What Inspires you?

Poetry is both a companion and a teacher. I often think about Lorca’s concept of duende, the dreamscape where a poet’s heart resides and permits us to view ourselves (call it the soul if you will) rawly and truly. I’d like to think that this life was meant to be inspired by such uncoverings, despite and due to the resilience such work requires.

My chosen family have taught me how love can be given and received boundlessly, and how we can be curious and young and old together. To share this life with them is my greatest achievement and inspiration.