Acumen America

Webflow Design & Development

Slam Media Lab partnered with Acumen America to create a distinctive new brand identity reflects their unique mission as a venture capital firm to tackle poverty in America. With forward-thinking design, the introduction of sub-brands, and tailored messaging development, we created a website that propelled Acumen take a step forward in the VC world, and differentiated their uniquely impact-driven work from their 20-year parent organization, Acumen Global.


Acumen America
JUNE 2023 – MARCH 2024
What We did
Webflow Development & Design, Responsive Website Design, Site Migration, Content Writing & Management, Copywriting, On-Page Optimization, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Art Direction, Illustration, Motion, & Graphic Design

Acumen America needed a distinct and impactful brand identity to highlight their mission of investing in innovative solutions to poverty. We crafted a forward-thinking design and messaging strategy that showcased their commitment to underserved communities and positioned them as leaders in the venture capital space. Our comprehensive redesign resulted in a user-friendly, visually engaging website that merges bold elements with inviting messaging to deliver a delightful digital experience.

Patience isn't always a virtue

The Challenge

How do we create a distinct brand identity for Acumen America that stands out as a venture capital firm while focusing on their impactful work?

Acumen America, a venture capital firm dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs tackling poverty, needed a brand that differentiated itself from Acumen Global while maintaining a connection to its established legacy. The challenge was to craft a brand identity and digital presence that emphasized Acumen America's unique mission and innovative approach, both in through impactful visuals and whip smart messaging.

The Journey

Understanding the legacy and establishing the new brand

Acumen America has been part of the Acumen network for nearly 20 years. We began by examining the brand elements of Acumen Global to understand its established identity and values. We then explored ways to use existing brand elements to reflect Acumen America’s values, and finding visual strategies that highlight the organization’s high-impact and innovative goals.

Introducing sub-brands Where to Next and Medicaid Innovation Collaborative

To further enrich Acumen America's brand ecosystem, we introduced two sub-brands: Where to Next and Medicaid Innovation Collaborative. These sub-brands were developed to have unique vibes that would appeal to their specific target audiences while maintaining a visual and conceptual connection to Acumen America. This involved creating distinct logos, color palettes, and messaging frameworks for each sub-brand, ensuring they were recognizable as part of the larger Acumen America family but could stand alone as individual entities.

Crafting the messaging framework

The messaging framework for Acumen America was crafted to highlight their commitment to underserved communities and innovative solutions to poverty. Iterations on messaging elements consistently emphasized story-driven narratives that highlighted their mission-driven approach, focus on systemic change, and connection to real user experiences. From honing in on value statements to having a home-run elevator pitch, our copywriting process aimed to help Acumen America’s work shine from the first word to the last period.

The Solution

Bold & striking design elements

From brainstorming sessions and conceptual design drafts came a visual identity that emphasized high-contrast elements, sharp angles, and 120-degree slants in graphics and fonts. These design choices were made to evoke a sense of momentum and progress, aligning with Acumen America’s mission to tackle systemic poverty issues through innovative solutions.

Clear & seamless content structure

We implemented color blocking for different divisions and a scroll-based content layout to ensure users could easily navigate and understand the content. This structure effectively highlighted key values and the vision of Acumen America, making it easy for users to find relevant information and engage with the brand. By consolidating several properties into one, we also significantly improved the user experience and management of the brand's online presence.

Messaging guidelines with high impact and conviction

Beyond visual guidelines, we developed messaging frameworks that highlighted Acumen America’s commitment to addressing the root causes of poverty and its focus on systemic change. Key message pillars such as honesty, conviction, and a dedication to systems change were woven into all communications. This ensured that the messaging was not only consistent but also resonant with the brand’s mission to support innovative, mission-driven entrepreneurs.

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